The beginning of a new year is always a good time to set some new health and wellness goals. We all know that eating clean, exercising daily, staying hydrated, and getting a good night’s sleep are important. But it is easier said than done – especially to stay consistent. What we often don’t realize is that all of these things have a role when it comes to managing weight. Incorporating several simple and positive lifestyle changes, along with taking Thorne supplements has surely helped me to manage mine (give or take five pounds). 😊
Read on for my top seven tips for weight management and how to make my berry delicious and nutritious protein smoothie inspired by the Hailey Bieber Smoothie at Erewhon.
1. Stay hydrated – Drink water. We all know we should drink lots of water – half your body weight in ounces per day is recommended. I like to enhance the taste of my water, so I use Thorne’s Collagen Plus.
2. Consume fiber – Many delicious and healthy foods are high in fiber. I love to add chia seeds to my yogurt or make chia pudding or grab a handful of almonds when I’m on the go, and I eat lots of veggies, including avocados and artichokes.
3. Exercise – It's important to move your body daily. Include both cardio and strength training. I walk 10,000 steps each day and get them in while listening to a podcast or making calls. I practice Pilates and Yoga for strength training.
4. Eat protein at every meal – I add a scoop of Thorne’s Vanilla Protein Powder to my smoothies to make sure I get enough each day. I also eat eggs and add grass-fed chicken or pole-and-line-caught tuna to my salads. Dinners include fish or grass-fed meat.
6. Get a good night’s sleep – Getting quality sleep supports metabolic health and plays an important role in your body maintaining its optimal metabolic rate, which helps make it easier to lose or stay the same weight.
7. Take Thorne Supplements – My favorites that support healthy metabolism and weight loss are listed below. Click on the links below for more info and to order.
(includes Metabolic, Super EPA, and FloraMend Prime Probiotic)
This trio contains three supplements with evidence-based ingredients that are effective for cutting down on cravings, promoting energy production, and supporting metabolism.
MEDIBOLIC POWDER – Multi-vitamin/mineral complex with a great-tasting vanilla/cinnamon flavor that I love adding to a warm beverage or mixing in my water. This unique powder enhances fat burning while supporting healthy blood sugar and lipid levels.
SUPER EPA – This fish oil supplement is helpful for weight management because it promotes a healthy insulin response.
FLORAMEND PRIME PROBIOTIC – Supports your gut while improving weight management, waist circumference, or body mass index. My entire family takes this one daily!
This is one I recently added to my daily regimen because it’s effective in helping maintain a healthy weight, as well as healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Getting enough vitamin D keeps your hormone levels in check, enhances weight loss, and decrease body fat. Losing weight can increase vitamin D levels and help you maximize its other benefits, such as maintaining strong bones and protecting against illness. I love that Thorne’s liquid formula is easy to add to smoothies and drinks.
Supports the body’s natural aging process and cellular metabolism with this powerhouse supplement that features nicotinamide riboside. A great one for any boomer or GenX-er!
A formula for the modern, over-stressed lifestyle that reduces cravings, promotes a positive mood, and supports a balanced cortisol level.
Delicious powdered formula with a slightly sweet citrus flavor for restful sleep and muscle relaxation. I add this to my smoothies, too!
Tip: Thorne also has a variety of at-home health tests, including a weight management test that is a great first step in discovering how to reach your weight goal. Receive insights and a personalized plan based on your key biomarkers associated with weight management.
The Glow Girl X Thorne Weight Management Protein Smoothie
Makes 2 servings
1 cup of Strawberries
1 cup of Raspberries
1 cup of Ice
1/2 cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
6 ounces Whipped Coconut Cream
1 scoop Thorne Magnesium Bisglycinate
2 drops Thorne Vitamin D Liquid
Blend ice, berries, milk, protein powder, magnesium, and vitamin D drops until smooth.
Add a scoop of coconut cream to the bottom of the glass and spoon lines vertically across the inside of the glass.
Pour smoothie into the glass and add a dollop of coconut cream on top.
*This post is sponsored by Thorne. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I am reporting on my personal experience regarding the specific Thorne supplements mentioned in this article. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a medical condition.