It’s important to get in the habit of doing something positive in a place where you feel calm—that happy place for me is at the beach as it’s the perfect environment to catch up on my self-help reading list. I always wish I had more time to actually read at the beach as it is one of my favorite things to do over the summer. Truth be told, I end up finishing most of my books on audible in the car or while I am getting ready in the morning. Over the past few months, I’ve been taking the time to read (or listen to) books that are part of my wellness journey with topics covering the best in exercise, nutrition and ways to improve overall mental health. These reads have been very helpful towards enhancing my own personal growth so I thought I would share them with you! Below are some faves that will be sure to nurture your mind, body and soul.
1. The Power Source -The Hidden Key to Ignite Your Core, Empower Your Body, Release Stress and Realign Your Life by Lauren Roxburgh Body Alignment and wellness expert Lauren Roxburgh recently published her 2nd book, The Power Source where she shares with us the power of unlocking the foundation of your mental and physical health by building strength through the pelvic floor. Lauren is a gives us her insight on how to get a handle on inflammation, bloating, tension, discomfort, anxiety, or pain during sex. She shows us targeted exercises on how to manipulate our fascia to release the toxins that can negatively impact our health such as acute back pain, anxiety, and poor posture. Coined The Body Whisperer by Goop, Lauren guides us step by step through small changes we can make to relieve that stress, open up the body, and move towards a more evolved and empowered way of living. Included in the book are nourishing recipes, holistic therapies and a full toolbox to help realign your body and life. Check out her full line of Aligned Healing Tools here!
2. Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You and Your Waistline by Dr. Steven Gundry
Renown surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry educates us on how your enemies for weight gain are your own genes backed by millions of years of evolution, and offers a proven way to decrease your waistline by outsmarting them. The book is filled with inspirational patient stories and step by step tips and tricks for his eating plan—think no sugar, gluten, “good and bad” fruits and veggies, what meats and fish to eat and more. He also shares his studies on why artificial sweeteners have the same effects as sugar on your health and your waistline and why taking antacids, statins, and drugs for high blood pressure and arthritis masks health issues instead of addressing them. Gundry offers recipes, menus and easy to memorize tips to keep you on track. His nutrition plan is not an easy one but will get you the results you may be looking for in terms of reversing heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and of course weight-gain. I have yet to implement his full plan myself but have modified my diet and incorporated many of his eating do’s and dont’s and found this book to be extremely educational and helpful.
3. The New Health Rules by Dr. Frank Lipman & Danielle Claro
Dr. Frank Lipman is a global leader in the field of health and functional medicine who focuses on the root causes of illness and guides his patients to the deepest, most lasting sources of wellness.
He and Danielle Claro (the deputy editor of Real Simple) co-authored this cutting-edge and beautifully edited book that shares the best wellness secrets to optimal health in a stylish, easy to read format. This book is a great resource for exclusive information that answers so many of the health questions were always curious about. Each page offers an important take-away and tip like some simple rules for getting a good night’s sleep, why yoga is a big deal, the importance of getting some sun, and the benefits of removing toxic products to live a clean, healthy and longer life.
4. 21 Days to Resilience by Dr. Zelana Montminy
This book discusses the desire for more happiness and how to attain it in a healthy way. We are taught to always strive for more and achieve more, but this author focuses on the power of resilience in our own lives, through the ups and downs. 21 Days to Resilience provides the guidance you need to get through anything in your life. Through science-backed research and tips. Dr. Montminy introduces a key trait necessary to improve resiliency and enhance wellbeing, such as gratitude, focus, playfulness, self-respect, and flexibility. Then, with three simple tasks to accomplish in a day - one in the morning, one during the day, and one in the evening. In addition, the book offers a "Take Stock" section that will help you gauge your current level of skill and each chapter ends with a "Lifelong" exercise that offers ways to build the skill as needed to keep your resiliency muscles strong.
5. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
This book takes you on an inspiring spiritual and emotional journey to reach your truest most authentic self through the discovery of truth and light. Tolle guides readers to enlightenment and discusses it’s enemy, the mind. He shows readers the role pain plays in our lives and how we can best process it, move through it, and recover from it by living fully in the present. The journey is thrilling, and along the way, Tolle shows us how we can gain compassion while staying in the present moment and that only after regaining awareness of being, liberated from mind and focusing on the now, is there enlightenment.